Business Breakfast: Change Management

  • BCCP Boardroom
    Tuesday, 27 February 2018
    8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Business Breakfast:
27 February 2018 (Tuesday)
8am to 10am | BCCP Boardroom, BGC, Taguig
Mergers, acquisitions, digital transformations, market changes — these are just
some challenges faced by organizations all over the world.  Is your company ready? How will your employees handle such changes? How will they adjust to these changes and how will you align your company to accommodate these?
Join us on Tuesday, 27 February 2018 from 8am to 10am as our Guest Speaker, Andy Skowronski, provides a better understanding and best practices for Change Management.  Andy is the Managing Director of A&C Associates and  the author of “The Road to Transformation”, a leadership and change masterclass inspired by Andy’s time at Yum! Brands. Its aim is to set organisations and individuals on a path of achieving breakthrough thinking and in turn breakthrough results.

Who Should Attend:

CEOs, COOs, Senior Management, Senior HR Professionals,
Senior OD Professionals, and anyone in a position of leadership
interested in learning how to manage an effective change strategy

Email us at or call 556 5232 loc 102 or 848.  See you there!