- First Session
Wednesday, 9 December 2020
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM - Second Session
Thursday, 10 December 2020
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM - Third Session
Friday, 11 December 2020
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
In this webinar, participants shall be capable of understanding the integration of the MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. The participants will also be able to “embed” into each application “data and/ or objects”, that can be “shared” and automatically “updated” by using any and/ or all of these MS Office products together.
The ability of the participant to further simplify and accelerate the creation of “mass mailed” documents further enhances the productivity of the participant. No programming is required for this session. The participant will be able to adequately appreciate the integration links of these various applications, which when properly used, can significantly reduce “manual interventions” of the “often repeated cut and paste” techniques, and replace these manual techniques with integrated technologies already pre-built into the Office environment. The use of MS Word’s powerful style sheets add further simplification to document preparation and eliminates the manual “page breaks” which oftentimes “breaks” the document into “disproportionate” paging and negates the built-in feature of automated paginations.