Euromoney’s The Philippines Investment Forum

  • Shangri-la The Fort
    Monday, 27 November 2017
    8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Join us at the 6th edition of the Euromoney Philippines Investment Forum to be brought up-to-date on the state of the Philippine economy and to exchange perspectives with a high-level audience of the Philippines’ onshore and offshore economic stakeholders.

Click here to download the latest agenda.

Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
Hon Nestor Espenilla, Jr, Governor, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Hon Benjamin E Diokno, Secretary of Budget and Management, Republic of the Philippines

Topics will include:
–          Dutertenomics’ Reform Agenda
–          Updates on the Capital Markets
–          Infrastructure Funding
–          Trade and Industrial Development
–          The Agricultural Sector

For further information please contact us at