- Monday, 7 December 2020
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
The introductory course has been designed to present participants with powerful Finance-based report generation capabilities, auto-consolidation techniques, search and find capabilities using XLOOKUP, FILTER, LOOKUP, VLOOKUP, INDEX-MATCH, CHOOSE functions, and other Financial oriented functions such as User Defined Functions (a must for Finance people who wish to create their own particular Finance-based functions) and apply built-in date/time/financial tools, as well as text manipulation, with data validation and built-in user forms for easier data capture.
This workshop introduces a simplified formula creation, with capability to “fetch named” ranges from anywhere in the workbook, providing for faster, more elegant, and English-like formula creation, which in turn enables users to debug formulas of whatever complexity, and at the same time, enabling the tracing of formula precedents and dependencies.