- organized by the European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines
Friday, 5 March 2021
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Internet connection has become a staple in today’s era. From small to big corporations, government to private institutions, and business to personal affairs, being connected matters. Especially with the continu- ation of online platform use of academic institutions, students and teachers need a reliable and affordable internet connection to achieve quality learning. Hence, the pandemic resulted in skyrocketing internet usage that urged for a stronger call for better internet connectivity.
Last August 2020, the ECCP held a successful webinar focusing on internet connectivity during the new normal, which tackled the programs, plans, and even threats handled by both the government and telecom- munication companies’ in improving the Philippines’ internet services.
Businesses have become resilient through digitalization efforts, which helped achieve business continuity and the recovery of the Philippine economy. According to Cisco, the digital transformation efforts of enter- prises is estimated to contribute around $28 billion to the Philippine economy by 2024. However, some businesses are unable to adapt quickly and find digital transformation challenging due to budget constraints and the resistance to change. Therefore, it is essential to have a government policy that will direct and support stakeholders in digital transformation.
In continuation of this, the ECCP, in partnership with the British Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, CCI-France, the Dutch Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines and La Camara, invites you to the second series of our internet connectivity and digital transformation conference, “New Normal to New Future: Strategies for a Better Service,” on 05 March 2021 from 2:00 PM- 3:30 PM.
The event will feature local and international representatives who will discuss their continuing efforts and improvements fulfilled about the expansion, affordability, and quality of internet services in the country. Furthermore, they will shed light on the importance of a full-force digital transformation in the government and its implications to businesses and low-income families. The event will also discuss other countries’ approaches that enabled their digital transformation to move forward.