- in partnership with MakeWay Global
Tuesday, 23 February 2021
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Productivity has been negatively impacted for most businesses; hence, there is a need to have an overall view of the business of the organisation. This includes the composition of its organisational structure and its performance/reporting functions. This session is not intended to advocate gloomy cost cutting exercises that result in destroying essential value-adding activities, but such that brings about effectiveness to the way the business is being run; hence sustainable profitability.
Lean Six Sigma, as a framework, helps organisations to achieve breakthrough process improvement, and ultimately, operational excellence. MakeWay Global’s training on Lean Six Sigma methodology is made more robust by the free post-training coaching sessions it provides to participants. The key objective of this is for participants to use what they learn to obtain tangible and relatable benefits to their respective organisations.