Business Breakfast: Integrity at Work (Interactive Workshop)

  • Venue: BCCP Boardroom, BGC, Taguig
    Wednesday, 14 November 2018
    8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Business Breakfast: Integrity at Work

14 November 2018

8am to 10am | BCCP Boardroom, BGC, Taguig City


Nowadays we hear much about emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and internet of things, leading to Industry 4.0 where digital technology is fast becoming a key in rapid industrialization.

While these are going to affect the workplace dramatically, more and more companies are placing a higher premium on soft skills most especially — ethics and integrity.

Join us next Wednesday, the 14th of November 2018 from 8am to 10am at the BCCP Office, as we tackle how Integrity at Work can be monitored, assessed and managed, together with our partner Chartered Institute for Secuirites & Investment (CISI).

Kevin Moore, Global Business Development Director at the CISI, will help unlock the key to building ethics and integrity amidst the wave of Industry 4.0 in this interactive workshop.

This interactive workshop explores real-life ethical challenges experienced in the workplace and offers attendees the unique opportunity to vote, using individual voting machines, on how they would respond should they be faced with the challenge.  Benefits of this workshop: tailored to suit any firm, business type or location, UK or other countries; anonymous voting encourages participants to vote how they would in real life rather than how they know they should

Who should attend:

C-level and top managers engaged in learning and development, wealth, risk/compliance, operations

Sectors: banking, investments, stocks, assets, BPOs

Register Now! Email us at or call 556-5232 local 848 or 102.