Business Breakfast on Breaking the Wall: Working With Your Limiting Beliefs

  • Venue: BCCP Boardroom, BGC, Taguig
    Wednesday, 23 October 2019
    8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Business Breakfast
Working With Limiting Beliefs

23 October 2019 (Wednesday)
BCCP Boardoom, BGC, Taguig


Beliefs are conditioned perceptions that are built upon old memories of pain and pleasure. They have the power to create and destroy oneself and it is the core of who you are. Beliefs influence every aspect of your life in every conceivable way. They will influence your level of intelligence and impact the decisions you make. Limiting these beliefs hinders us from developing our talents, advancing in our career, and building meaningful relationships with others. There are just too many limiting beliefs that prevent us from moving forward, and building a healthier relationship not only with others but with ourselves as well.


Join us on 23 October 2019 (Wednesday) from 8 am to 10 am at the BCCP Boardroom, BGC, for our Business Breakfast on BREAKING THE WALL: Working With Your Limiting Beliefs as we try and help you recognize these limiting beliefs that stop you from achieving your full potential.


Our subject matter expert, Anna Kotskaya, a member of the International Coach Federation and a certified Transformational Executive Coach & Trainer, will facilitate a meaningful seminar that will help you tap your strengths, work on your limiting beliefs and find the road towards your happier self.



Members – P500
Non-Members – P1,000


Register NOW with the BCCP Events Team through or give us a call at 556-5232 local 848 or 102.